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A Technical Report put out by the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) examines the risks associated with UV-C and if it is more dangerous than normal sunlight. The AIR device focuses the UV-C light away from the user to present exposure. But if accidental exposure does occur the finding of this report suggest that  has determined "prolonged/ overexposure to UV-C radiation can result in transient corneal irritation or skin irritation which disappear within a 24 – 48 hour period, considered to be without lasting biological damage. Although UV-C radiation kills the superficial epithelial cells of the cornea and conjunctiva, these cells are sloughed off and replaced by underlying cells within 24 hours."

"Guidance for occupational exposure to UVR, including UV-C radiation, has been provided by the American Conference of Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) and the International

Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). These organisations have

established exposure guidelines (termed “Threshold Limit Values,” or TLVs® by ACGIH) within an 8hR interval (either continuous or intermittent exposure), and the TLV for UV-C radiation at 254 nm is 6 mJ·cm-2 (60 J·m-2) (3 mJ·cm-2 (30 J·m-2) effective)"

"General statements that all UVR is carcinogenic have raised safety concerns. Because of its high genotoxic potential in unprotected cells, UV-C radiation has often been presumed to be the most potent carcinogen of all UVR. However, this is a misconception based upon a lack of appreciation of the very shallow penetration depth of 254 nm radiation in human skin. Today it is considered that UV-C radiation, if appreciably carcinogenic at all, is far less carcinogenic to humans than solar UV-B radiation."

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